Information about past events we’ve held, including links to photos.

AKC Scent Work Trials
NKC hosted its last event of the 2024 at Werner Park in Sarpy County on December 6-8, 2024. We couldn’t have had nicer weather for December! Our judges (Johnnette Ulch, Sharon Dowell, Brenda Bruce, and Jeff Hartzler set fun and challenging searches for our teams to conquer. This trial was the biggest trial we have had at Werner Park and required some class juggling to keep our judges under their maximum judging times! Overall, we had 70 people showing 99 dogs in 637 runs. There was a 60% pass rate for the entire weekend which included the Detective classes. The fastest run of the weekend was 2.40 seconds in Novice B Exterior. Zarah, owned by Dahna Huddleson, achieved this fast time.
Friday, we held our detective and buried trials with 65 teams competing. For the first time our detective trials filled with 20 runs in each trial. We even had a waiting list!
Saturday and Sunday, we had one trial each day consisting of handler discrimination, interiors, exteriors and containers. There were 84 competing teams on Saturday and 81 teams on Sunday.
Six dogs and handlers achieved super title this weekend. On Friday, we had two dogs and handlers achieve their Detective Titles. They were Riley, owned by Lori Tranmer and Rayna owned by Gerianne Darnell, both club members!!. That was a trifecta for Rayna this year. She also earned her Obedience Trial Championship and Rally Championship earlier in the year (not to forget that she also got her TD too)! Thank you to Judge Jeff Hartzler for presenting badges to our new detective dogs. We also had four dog and handler teams finish their Overall Master Titles. They were Pip, owned by Trish Burbach; Quincy, owned by Teresa Barney; Caper, owned by Jenny Vincent; and Smash; owned by Jen Howell. Congratulations to these six exceptional teams!
AKC Scent Work Trials

NKC hosted its last event of the 2024 at Werner Park in Sarpy County on December 6-8, 2024. We couldn’t have had nicer weather for December! Our judges (Johnnette Ulch, Sharon Dowell, Brenda Bruce, and Jeff Hartzler set fun and challenging searches for our teams to conquer. This trial was the biggest trial we have had at Werner Park and required some class juggling to keep our judges under their maximum judging times! Overall, we had 70 people showing 99 dogs in 637 runs. There was a 60% pass rate for the entire weekend which included the Detective classes. The fastest run of the weekend was 2.40 seconds in Novice B Exterior. Zarah, owned by Dahna Huddleson, achieved this fast time.
Friday, we held our detective and buried trials with 65 teams competing. For the first time our detective trials filled with 20 runs in each trial. We even had a waiting list!
Saturday and Sunday, we had one trial each day consisting of handler discrimination, interiors, exteriors and containers. There were 84 competing teams on Saturday and 81 teams on Sunday.
Six dogs and handlers achieved super title this weekend. On Friday, we had two dogs and handlers achieve their Detective Titles. They were Riley, owned by Lori Tranmer and Rayna owned by Gerianne Darnell, both club members!!. That was a trifecta for Rayna this year. She also earned her Obedience Trial Championship and Rally Championship earlier in the year (not to forget that she also got her TD too)! Thank you to Judge Jeff Hartzler for presenting badges to our new detective dogs. We also had four dog and handler teams finish their Overall Master Titles. They were Pip, owned by Trish Burbach; Quincy, owned by Teresa Barney; Caper, owned by Jenny Vincent; and Smash; owned by Jen Howell. Congratulations to these six exceptional teams!

AKC Tracking Test
November 12, 2023
Chalco Hills Recreation Area
8901 S. 1554th Street, Omaha, NE 68138
The Nebraska Kennel Club held their 3TD 4TDX Trial November 12, 2023 at Chalco Hills Recreation Area in Omaha, NE.
The test did not fill and we ended up with 1 TD and 2 TDX entries. Oddly enough, all exhibitors were club members.
Our judges this year was Carla Ogert and Jane Jonas. These judges did a fine job of laying tracks!
The temperature was in the 50’s with a calm wind and sunny.
Our first track of the day was the TD. This was run by a 13.5 month old Labrador Retriever. His track was a zig zag 450 yards with 4 turns and 5 legs. Just prior to them running the track a deer jumped the fence from the TD field into the park. Luckily the dog was looking the other way at the time and didn’t see the deer. This boy started really strong. The team got hung up on the third corner but managed to work back and find the track and made it to the glove! Congratulations to Bluff View’s High Voltage From Laughter SWN SEA SBA (Sulley) and Shelly Rehmeier on their new TD title!
The second track was a TDX run by a Golden Retriever. This team struggled on the first leg with distractions. Unfortunately, they could not move on and was whistled. When talking afterwards with the handler, he said they finished the track nicely.
The third track was a TDX run by a Border Terrier. This handler had to work thru his dog finding deer bones early on in his track. After that they had a beautiful road crossing but then took the cross tracks and was whistled. This handler said he felt good with how his dog worked on the rest of the track.
I would like to thank Sue Volkmer for taking on the Chair position.
I would like to thank Jan Hague for taking such good care of our judge.
I would like to thank all of our volunteers which included some new people interested in tracking: Dawn Thrapp, Sharon Brewer, Annie Kelley, Ellen Plouzek, Jan Hague, Lori Tranmer, Adria Bhatnagar, Karen Rueschoff, Alicia Robinson, Barbara Hill, Medora Harper, Irena Harrington, Sheryl Bradbury, Norine Nieman, Mary Ruhe and Ron Weaks.
A HUGE thanks to the following people and businesses who donated to our test and raffle to make this event possible. Thanks Medora Harper and Irena Harrington for setting up the raffle on Saturday.
Nature Dog (Raffle)
Duluth Trading Company (Raffle)
Nebraska Kennel Club (Raffle)
Sue Volkmer (Raffle and Food Donation)
Shelly Rehmeier (Raffle)
Ron Weaks (Raffle)
Medora Harper (Raffle)
Norine Neiman (Raffle)
Sharon Brewer (Raffle)
Babrara Hill (Raffle)
Irena Harrington (Raffle)
Pam Eckstein (Raffle)
Mary Rue (Food Donation)
I feel that our club survives thru our members who all share that special passion for dogs and dog events!
Shelly Rehmeier NKC Tracking Test Secretary

Fast CAT Event
Saturday & Sunday
September 16 – 17, 2023
H.W. Banner Park
5005 Virginia St
Omaha, NE 68157
The Nebraska Kennel Club hosted AKC Fast CAT events September 16-17 2023 at Banner Park in Omaha. The events were a great success and we’d like to thank everyone who participated for their support.
Click below to view results from the Fast CAT Event:

2023 AKC National Tracking Invitational
September 9 & 10, 2023
The Cornhusker Kennel Club and Nebraska Kennel Club co-hosted the 2023 AKC National Tracking Invitational on September 9 & 10, 2023. The event was a great success and we would like to thank all the judges, volunteers and exhibitors for their support.
For full information please click here to visit the website for the 2023 AKC National Tracking Invitational. Also, click here to visit the Facebook Group Page for the event.

AKC Detective Trials July 2023
Held Sunday July 30, 2023
Margre H. Durham Center at Bellevue University
Our thanks to the judges, volunteers and exhibitors for helping make our Scent Work Detective Trials a great success.

AKC Scent Work Trials
Held Friday through Sunday, July 14-16, 2023
Iowa Western Community College
The Nebraska Kennel Club would like to thank the judges, exhibitors and volunteers for making our July 2023 Scent Work Trials a great success!

Nebraska Kennel Club
Conformation Shows
May 20 & 21, 2023
Lancaster Event Center 4100 N 84th St • Lincoln, Nebraska 68507
We would like to thank all the exhibitors, the judges, and volunteers for helping us celebrate our 100th Anniversary at our 2023 Conformation Show! This show was dedicated to the members that worked tirelessly to found and build this club, the celebration for 100 years of Pure-Bred Dogs and planning for the next 100 years of “all things dog”.

AKC Fast CAT Events
April 22-23, 2023
Banner Park
5005 Virginia St
Omaha, NE 68157
The Nebraska Kennel Club would like to thank all the exhibitors, volunteers and the judges for their help in making our April 2023 Fast CAT even a great success!
Click below to see the results from the Fast CAT event.

Scent Work Trials
Held December 9-11, 2022 at Werner Park
12356 Ballpark Way, Papillion, NE 68046
We held 2 Detective Trials on Friday and Scent Work Trials on Saturday and Sunday.
We had a great trials, check back for more information soon.

Tracking Tests Nov. 13, 2022
Tracking Tests were held Nov 13, 2022 at the Chalco Hills Recreation Area, 8901 S. 1554th Street, Omaha, NE 68138. The tests were a great success and we’d like to thank the judges, exhibitors and volunteers for all their hard work. More information on the tracking tests will be posted soon so check back with us!

AKC FastCAT Events
September 16-18, 2022
Banner Park
5005 Virginia St
Omaha, NE 68157
Banner Park is a lovely flat park on mowed grass with abundant paved parking.
The weather for this weekend was much better than our last 2 Fast CATs not nearly as windy and we had only 1 hour rain delay. It took longer on Saturday to get ribbons and times out as we worked with a new secretary. This improved much for Sunday. The numbers and new titles are as follows:
35 dogs participated in Fun Runs.
We had 289 runs with 260 qualifiers
Thank you to the participants and volunteers that made this a successful event.
Earned their BCATs
Ila Brummy Winston Halen
Cora Luna Mayva Ju’le Vada
Kola Pipa Neri Opal
Earned their DCATs
Xyon Taylor Arya Pip
Teagun earned her FCAT2.
Congratulations on your new titles!
Ron Weaks NKC Fast CAT Chair

Beginner & Advanced Tracking Classes
Saturdays starting September 24 Thru October 29, 2022
Location: First class will be held at Chalco Hills Recreation Area, other week’s location will vary.
Class Fee: $75.00
The Nebraska Kennel Club will be offering Tracking Classes from September 24, 2022 thru October 29, 2022.
Cost of the class will be $75.00 per team. Money will help with expenses for our Tracking Test. Classes will be held Saturday mornings starting with the Beginner Class at 9:00am and Advanced class at 10:30am rain or shine unless it is severe weather.
Instructors will be Shelly Rehmeier and Sue Volkmer.
The following classes will be offered:
Beginner class: (4 spots) Teams that are just starting or are already started and need help.
Advanced Class: (3 spots) Dogs that are getting ready for a TD and/or Certification.
If the Advanced level does not fill, more Beginners may be added.
Classes are small to allow a lot of training time for each team.
Beginner class will be approx. 1 to 1.5 hours. Advanced class will be as long as needed.
Week 1 will be held at Chalco Hills Recreation Area. Subsequent week locations may vary.
If interested send your check and completed waiver form, No Later than September 21, 2022 to:
Shelly Rehmeier
P.O. Box 6
Waterloo, NE 68069
We look forward to seeing you at our classes and thank you for supporting NKC Tracking.

Scent Work Detective Trials
There were two Scent Work Detective Trials held on Sunday July 31. 2022 at the Dowell Farm, in Glenwood, IA.
Both trials had 13 entries. Trial #1 had 2 passes, Trial #2 had 4 passes. Congratulations to each of the passing teams!
The Scent Work Detective Class offers an integrated search environment with an unknown number of hides in a variety of elements. The intent of the Detective Class is to emulate as closely as possible the work of a true detection dog.

Scent Work Trials
Held July 15 – 17, 2022 at Iowa Western Community College
2700 College Road, Council Bluffs, IA 51503
We would like to thank all of our exhibitors, judges and volunteers for their help making this trial a success.

Nebraska / Platte Valley Cluster
Conformation Shows
May 21 & 22, 2022
Lancaster Event Center
We would like to thank the Exhibitors, Judges, and all the volunteers for making the 2022 Nebraska / Platte Valley Cluster Conformation Show a great success! Click the link below for more photos from the show:

AKC Fast CAT Events
April 22-24, 2022
Banner Park
5005 Virginia St
Omaha, NE 68157
We’d like to thank everyone for their help with our April Fast CAT event!

December Scent Work Trials
Dec 10 – 12, 2021
Werner Park
We’d like to thank the judges, volunteers and exhibitors for making our Scent Work Trials were a great success! Photos now available! Click the links below to view photos from the event.
Photo Galleries
Gallery 1 – Friday (Detective Class)
Gallery 2 – Saturday Morning
Gallery 3 – Saturday 12:45 – 3pm
Gallery 4 – Saturday 3pm – Close
Gallery 5 – Sunday Morning
Gallery 6 – Sunday Noon – 3pm
Gallery 7 – Sunday 3pm – Close
Photography by Devin Garvey of Devin’s Purple Poodles

NKC Tracking Tests
November 14, 2021
Chalco Hills Recreation Area
We’d like to thank the judges, exhibitors and volunteers for making our tracking tests a success! We had one TD pass and no TDX passes.
Photos now available! Click here to view!
Photography by Devin Garvey

October 23 – 24, 2021
Sarpy County Fairgrounds
100 Main St
Springfield, NE 68059
Mother Nature was not very cooperative with our Fast CAT event, providing us plenty of rain, and in fact the Sunday afternoon session had to be canceled due to lightening. We’d like to thank everyone who provided support for the event despite the weather.

2021 AKC National Tracking Invitational
October 16 & 17, 2021
Branched Oak Recreational Area
Raymond, NE
The 2021 AKC National Tracking Invitational was hosted by the Cornhusker Kennel Club of Lincoln NE and the Nebraska Kennel Club of Omaha NE. The event was a great success and we wish to thank the judges, exhibitors, volunteers, the AKC and everyone else involved for their support.
For more information about this event, visit the official website:
2021 AKC National Tracking Invitational Website
AND, to view photos from the event please visit the photo gallery:

July Scent Work Trials
July 16 – 18, 2021
Iowa Western Community College
Photos now available!
The Nebraska Kennel Club would like to thank everyone for making our Scent Work Trials a great success! Photos are now available, click here to visit the photographer’s website.

Nebraska / Platte Valley Cluster
Conformation Shows
Open Shows
Obedience / Rally Trials
May 22 & 23
Lancaster Event Center
Lincoln, NE 68507
The Nebraska Kennel Club and Platte Valley Kennel Club would like to thank all the exhibitors, judges and volunteers for making the 2021 Nebraska / Platte Valley Cluster Conformation shows a great success!

AKC Fast CAT® Event
April 24 – 25, 2021
Sarpy County Fairgrounds
100 Main Street
Springfield, NE
Photos Now Available!
Click here to visit the photographer’s website for photos from the Fast CAT® Event.
Our Fast CAT® Event was a great success, and we’d like to thank all the exhibitors, the volunteers, and the Huntmaster for their support. Dogs had a lot of fun!

Scent Work Trials Dec 5 – 6, 2020
Werner Park
The Nebraska Kennel Club would like to thank all the exhibitors, judges, and volunteers who helped make our December 2020 Scent Work Trials a great success. Special thanks also to our host facility Werner Park, home of the Omaha Storm Chasers! And, special thanks and congratulations to everyone for adhering to the guidelines established to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.
To view photos from the event, please click here to visit the photographer’s website.

Scent Work Trials July 10 – 12, 2020
The NKC held Scent Work Trials on July 10 – 12, and we’d like to thank all the exhibitors, judges, and volunteers who helped make them a great success. The COVID-19 pandemic presented a unique challenge so we’d especially like to thank everyone for adhering to the rules and guidelines that were established. Who would have guessed that face masks could make such a fashion statement?
This is a very small selection of photos from the event, to see the entire set (over 1,300 photos!) visit the photographer’s website at http://www.joeomar.com/NKC202007SWHome.html

Scent Work Trials Dec 7 – 8, 2019
Companion Dog Club
We would like to thank the judge, volunteers, and all the exhibitors for making our December Scent Work Trials a great success! To view photos from the trials please visit the photographer’s website via the link below:

Tracking Tests Nov 10, 2019
The NKC 2019 Tracking Tests were held at the Chalco HIlls Recreation Area. Weather for the tests was excellent, mostly sunny with temperatures in the upper 30s to mid 40s. Two Tracking Tests (TD) and three Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX) tests were run, with both TDs passing. The Nebraska Kennel Club would like to thank the exhibitors, judges, and volunteers for making the tests a great success!
Below is a small selection of photos from the event. For more photos please click here to visit the photographer’s website.

Barn Hunt Trials Oct 19 – 20, 2019
Companion Dog Club
We would like to thank the exhibitors, judges and volunteers for making the Barn Hunt Trials a great success! Photos are now available for viewing / downloading at the photographers website, please click the link below:

October Membership Meeting
Omaha Police K9 Unit
At the October membership meeting on 10/16, representatives from the Omaha Police K9 Unit gave us a presentation on the Unit’s history and achievements and also gave us a “drug sniffing” demo! Providing the presentation were Officer Jeremy Wedel and his partner K9 Dug from the K9 Unit and Deborah Gombert, the program coordinator for the Friends of the Omaha Police Department K9 Unit. Our thanks to Officers Jeremy Wedel and K9 Dug and to Deb Gombert for a very interesting and informative evening!
To learn more about the Omaha Police K-9 Unit, please click here.

Scent Work Trials July 5 – 7, 2019
The Nebraska Kennel Club would like to thank the exhibitors, judges, and volunteers for making our July Scent Work Trials a great success.
Click here to visit the photographer’s website and view/download photos from the event.
Click here to view a video from the Scent Work Trials. (Our thanks to Irina Harrington for sharing)

Nebraska / Platte Valley Cluster Conformation Show
May 18 – 19, 2019
The Nebraska Kennel Club and Platte Valley Kennel Club would like to thank all the exhibitors, judges and volunteers for making the first Nebraska Valley Cluster All Breed Dog Show a great success.
Photos from the event can be viewed by clicking here. These are a small selection of candid photos, not Winner’s Photos. If you wish to view Winner’s Photos please click here to visit the website of show photographer Pete Melia.
Below is a small selection of candid photos from the event. For more candid photos please click here to visit our photographer’s website.

Scent Work Trials Dec 8 – 9, 2018
Companion Dog Club
The Nebraska Kennel Club would like to thank all the exhibitors, judges, and volunteers who helped make our December 2020 Scent Work Trials a The NKC Scent Work trials were a great success! We would like to thank the exhibitors, judge and all the volunteers for their support!
To view photos from the event, please click here to visit the photographer’s website.

NKC Tracking Tests
November 11, 2018
Chalco Hills Recreation Area
NKC Tracking Tests were a great success! Our thanks to Judges Jane Jonas and Inge Suchanek, to the exhibitors, and to all the volunteers for their efforts! Congratulations to the winners!
Photos now available! Click here to view!

Barn Hunt Trials Sept 15 – 16, 2018
Companion Dog Club
The Nebraska Kennel Club would like to thank the judges, volunteers, and exhibitors for their support in making our Barn Hunt Trial a success!

Barn Hunt Practice Sept 1, 2018
Companion Dog Club
Barn Hunt practice went great! We’d like to thank all the volunteers and participants!
Photos now available!
Visit the photographers website to view photos from the event, including hi-resolution photos suitable for printing.

July Scent Work Trials
July 6 – 8, 2018
The NKC Scent Work Trials were a great success! We would like to thank the Judge, Exhibitors and Volunteers for all the hard work!
Photos are now online at the photographer’s website. Click below to go to the website

Held May 19 & 20, 2018
The Nebraska Kennel Club’s 2018 Conformation show was a great success! The NKC would like to thank the Exhibitors, Judges, and all the volunteers for their efforts.
For photos from the event please click here.
For Winners Photos, please visit the website of the Show Photographer Melia Photography

AKC Sanctioned
2018 B-OB Matches
Sunday January 14, 2018
For photos from the even, please visit the photographers website.