Nebraska Kennel Club


Established in 1923, the mission of the Nebraska Kennel Club is to educate and promote enjoyment of our dogs through participation in sanctioned AKC activities for both NKC’s membership and the public at large.


(Click here for Recent Events and Photos)

NKC Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet 

NKC Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet

Welcome and Drinks: 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Buffet-Style Dinner: 6:30 pm
Annual Meeting and Awards: 7:15 pm

[$40 person includes tax & tip, Cash bar for beverages]

(Menu: Lobster or Regular Mac & Cheese, Chicken or Shrimp Alfredo, Yankee Pot Roast, Herb Roasted Potatoes, Salad)

RSVP by February 14, 2025

Use the PayPal link (additional fee is added) to pay and RSVP


You may mail your check (made out to NKC) to Norine Nieman, 13500 Spring
Street, Omaha, NE 68144 or you can text Norine at 402.490.6405 or e-mail her at

(make sure you give your name & number attending)
Bring payment to the dinner if texting or e-mailing!

NKC Christmas Party 2024

AKC Christmas Party 2024

Nebraska Kennel Club held its annual holiday party on December 18, 2024 at Nebraska Brewing Company.  Almost 40 members and prospective members ate a delicious meal catered by HyVee and participated in the always fun “Stealing Santa” game.  Members also had plenty of time to chat and catch up with each other during dinner and enjoy “grab bag” gifts and a 100-year anniversary blanket raffle provided by the Club.  Big thank yous to Jessie O’Hara helping secure Nebraska Brewing, working with HyVee on the catering and all the little things that needed to be taking care of for the party, Shelly Rehmeier for helping Jessie with getting the Nebraska Brewing room and the party decorations, and Sam Vangi for bringing decorations and helping Shelly decorate the room.  The feedback was that a good time was had by all!!