Our mission is to educate and promote enjoyment of our dogs through participation in sanctioned AKC activities for both NKC’s membership and the public at large. AKC sanctioned events, meetings, classes, seminars, social activities, mentoring, etc., are available tools that may be used to further Nebraska Kennel Club’s work toward reaching its mission.
Our History
Established in 1923, the Nebraska Kennel Club, Inc. held its first recognized point dog show at the Municipal Auditorium in Omaha on November 16 and 17 of that year. The first show, a benched affair, had an entry of three hundred fifty dogs.
The shows in the early days were all conformation shows. Licensed obedience “tests” were not offered by the Club until 1937. Children’s handling classes, now called Junior Showmanship, were first offered in 1935.
The Nebraska Kennel Club became a member of the American Kennel Club (AKC) in February 1937. The AKC was established in New York in 1884.
At Nebraska Kennel Club we are about more than just a breed show…
We offer Obedience, Rally, Tracking, Barn Hunt and Scent Work Trials as well as Conformation training classes. So many reasons to become involved, and so much to do with your dog.
The Nebraska Kennel Club is proud of its heritage.

This is the cover of the catalog from our first dog show held in 1923. Click here to view the entire catalog. Warning: it’s a fairly big file, but the advertisements alone are worth perusing.