AKC FastCAT Events
September 16-18, 2022
Banner Park
5005 Virginia St
Omaha, NE 68157
Banner Park is a lovely flat park on mowed grass with abundant paved parking.
The weather for this weekend was much better than our last 2 Fast CATs not nearly as windy and we had only 1 hour rain delay. It took longer on Saturday to get ribbons and times out as we worked with a new secretary. This improved much for Sunday. The numbers and new titles are as follows:
35 dogs participated in Fun Runs.
We had 289 runs with 260 qualifiers
Thank you to the participants and volunteers that made this a successful event.
Earned their BCATs
Ila Brummy Winston Halen
Cora Luna Mayva Ju’le Vada
Kola Pipa Neri Opal
Earned their DCATs
Xyon Taylor Arya Pip
Teagun earned her FCAT2.
Congratulations on your new titles!
Ron Weaks NKC Fast CAT Chair